Interface ProjectInit

Project initialization options.

interface ProjectInit {
    cacheDir?: string;
    distDir?: string;
    gitignore?: boolean | GitIgnoreFile;
    npmignore?: boolean | GitIgnoreFile;
    rootDir?: string;
    sourceDir?: string;
    targetDir?: string;
    tools?: ProjectToolsInit;

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by


cacheDir?: string

Cache directory relative to build target directory.

Temporary directory.
distDir?: string

Distributable files` directory relative to {@link ProjectConfig#rootDir project root}.

@defaultValue dist

gitignore?: boolean | GitIgnoreFile

How to manage .gitignore file.

Either a flag, or custom GitIgnoreFile instance.


npmignore?: boolean | GitIgnoreFile

How to manage .npmignore file.

Either a flag, or custom GitIgnoreFile instance.


rootDir?: string

Root project directory.

current working directory.
sourceDir?: string

Root source files directory relative to project root.


targetDir?: string

Directory containing build targets relative to project root.

Unlike distDir, this one is not supposed to be published at NPM.


Development tools initializers for the project.